Falkland Islands Government
COVID-19: Information and Guidance

15 May 2020

COVID-19 Public Update


KEMH is waiting for results on the latest group of swabs sent to the UK The batch of 24 swabs are being processed as part of the hospital's regular monitoring for the virus. The results will assist hospital staff who are working on introducing a new analyser that will allow in-island testing. Final trialling of the analyser is now underway. Part of that will be comparing local trial testing of the swabs sent to the UK with the test results of those same swabs processed in the UK. We expect to update further on Monday. So far 402 tests have been carried out in the UK. There have been 13 positive COVID-19 results in the Falklands but all those affected have recovered or ended their isolation period.


Restrictions on passenger travel on the Falkland Islands Government Air Service, and the Concordia Bay ferry and shipping service are to be eased.

The restrictions in March were put in place to protect the transport infrastructure and to ensure that freight and key supplies, along with medical support, could continue to be delivered by keeping staff in these critical services protected from COVID-19.

Executive Council has approved the relaxation, in line with a wider announcement by Government that was made on 1 May, but both services will operate in a way that reflects the ongoing COVID-19 risk.

The revised arrangements will be introduced from 18 May for FIGAS, and 20 May for Workboat Services Limited.

Bookings will be able to be made to travel with FIGAS to all destinations, subject to the following conditions.

Passengers will need to be aware that health related questions will be asked when booking with FIGAS and Workboat Services and again prior to boarding the aircraft or ferry:

  • passengers will be asked not to travel if they are experiencing cold or flu like symptoms;
  • passengers will be denied travel if they have been on MPC in the last 7 days or knowingly been in contact with anyone who has, or;
  • have been swabbed for COVID-19 and awaiting results, or;
  • share a household with someone who has been swabbed and awaiting results to confirm

Passengers will be expected to comply with social distancing measures, and in the case of travelling with FIGAS wear face masks for the duration of their flight and sanitise their hands prior to boarding.

Face masks and hand sanitiser will be provided to travel on FIGAS. Aircraft will carry masks and sanitiser for passengers embarking at remote airstrips.

Passengers are requested to check-in with the destination land owners before booking travel.

Passenger numbers will be limited to allow social distancing as far as possible within the aircraft

FIGAS will continue to not operate flights to MPC unless in an emergency situation.

Workboat Services Ltd will also have similar conditions in place for the Concordia Bay ferry service.

In order to reduce contact between passengers and between passengers and crew, passenger numbers will be restricted to 8 per voyage.

Passengers will only be permitted in the passenger lounge which will be sanitised and cleaned after each journey.

Crew will not enter the lounge while passengers are on board and passengers are to follow social distancing guidelines.

Passengers travelling on FIGAS and the Concordia Bay are respectfully requested to observe the conditions of travel and answer questions honestly. Failure to respect these conditions may result in travel restrictions being imposed again.


Although many people have gone back to work and are out of isolation, we understand that there are also many who will still require support.

The community volunteers continue to run their usual services for people who need assistance. From bank runs to the book exchange, they are there to help.

If you are in self-isolation or know someone who is that may need support contact Vicky Collier on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 27451.

Also remember that local food retailers and the hospital pharmacy will make home deliveries.

And if you are in isolation and feeling low, you can reach out to the Emotional Wellness team at KEMH, on 28082 or to Social Services on 27296 or 28100 after hours.

If you know someone in isolation, please make sure to check on their wellbeing while practising safe social distancing.


It’s the weekend, and time to remind you of a few things if you are heading out and about. Firstly, our food retailers need your co-operation to ensure social distancing can take place in their stores. Social distancing means staying two metres away from others, where possible. We still need everyone to observe this everywhere – it’s a very tangible way to protect our community as we do not know when or where a COVID-19 case might occur. To help our retailers and keep their staff safe – everyone should still send only one person per household to the store and to leave children at home where possible. Look at doing one main shop a week only to keep down congestion. As well, inquire with the retailer about home delivery as an option. Secondly, remember that the easing of restrictions to allow more social interaction for most of us is not a licence to socialise with large groups. The idea of ‘bubbles’ is to allow you and your family to have some social interactions – we are no longer asking you to STOP being with but to LIMIT the number of people you socialise with. So, keep to three household bubbles at any one time. You can mix with different households on different occasions – but use common sense and try to keep it to a minimum. If you think that you’re interacting with too many people, then you probably are – so use your judgement.


The Landing Day service will go ahead on the 21 May but will follow a reduced format given the current situation. Social distancing will be applied and there will be visible markers placed around the cemetery. San Carlos Settlement is not open to public access other than to reach the Cemetary car park and there is no toilet facilities available. Unlike previous services there will be no social gathering after the event. The Reverend Ian Faulds will carry out a service of remembrance. While this is a public commemoration numbers need to be limited to observe social distancing. Wreaths will be laid by the Governor, MLAs and the community. If any of the community have wreaths they wish to be laid but cannot attend the FIDF are happy to assist and arrange on their behalf.


Student attendance during the first week after re-opening schools has been very strong. Executive Head Teacher Karen Steen said the students and staff have made an extremely positive return to school. Library Re-opening: The Library will be reopening at Falkland College on Monday, but with measures in place to reflect the need for social distancing and good public health practices. It will be open Monday – Friday, 9am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 5:45pm, and from 30 May, Saturday openings will recommence, 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm. Numbers in the library will be restricted to 12 at any one time and children younger than school year group Year 4 should always be accompanied by an adult. The home delivery service for people who have been asked to remain socially isolated will continue to operate. A library service to Camp is also offered, with the Librarian, arranging for books to be posted to settlements. We will also allow longer loan periods to limit library visits. To assist good public health practices, hand sanitiser will be available at entry and exit, and floor markings will show where to queue a proper distance apart. All returned books and materials with plastic covers will be quarantined for 72 hours after their return to the library before they are handled. This is in line with guidance from Public Health England.


For employers seeking to bring new staff in to the Falkland Islands a work permit is required. An important part of the work permit process is the medical assessment and dental check in their home country. These assessments are then approved by medical and dental staff at KEMH. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic it may on occasions not be possible to arrange medical and dental appointments in a person’s home country. This will prevent the recruitment of essential roles and will inevitably impact key services as delivered by FIG and private companies. In order to ensure that essential roles in the public and private sector continue to be filled Executive Council has approved temporary measures to facilitate the medical clearance process for essential roles. Medical self-declaration will be available to those roles which are judged to be essential in nature by the Principal Immigration Officer, and for those individuals who can prove that, despite efforts, they were unable to make the necessary medical and dental appointments in their home country. Along with the medical self-declaration form the applicant will also undergo a telephone interview by a member of the KEMH medical team, during which information included on the form will be confirmed, and further questioning will take place as to the applicant’s health. A full medical assessment will then be carried out on the applicant by KEMH on their arrival in the Falklands. These temporary measures will be subject to regular review to ensure they remain necessary. If you have any questions please email the Customs & Immigration Service at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone +500 27340.


Executive Council has approved an option for FIG tenants to seek a rent deferral of 90 days if they are struggling with rent payments. The measure was first announced on 17 April as part of a wider economic support package. There are eligibility criteria to be met. Anyone who wishes to find out more detail should contact the Public Works Department.


We are adjusting our regular 5pm updates, and moving to have three a week – on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We are always reviewing the situation and any urgent information for the public will be issued as needed outside the regular updates.