Paediatrics / Children’s Services

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Due to the size of the community there is no paediatrician or neonatologist on the Islands, however the extended role of our primary care GPs enables them to provide ongoing medical care in most cases.

There is a health visiting service for children aged under 5, a school nurse for those under 16 and under 18 in education, all of which provide routine developmental care and advice as well as childhood immunisations and links with the Speech and Language Therapy service.

A counselling service is available for children and young people who need additional support, in addition to the School Nurse who has counselling skills and works across both Stanley Infant and Junior School and Falkland Islands Community School.

Two members of the clinical team sit on the Falkland Islands Safeguarding Children's Board (FISCB).

To find out more about children’s services, please contact KEMH reception on 28000, from Monday to Friday, between 8:30am and 4:30pm.